Meet Kaylen Young
Enjoy our weekly series to meet our founding members who are an amazing source of encouragement and support to try new adventures in business and in life.
Day Job: Makeup Artist
Local Market: (Houston, Texas) Anywhere women want long lasting cosmetics!
Favorite Leisure Activity: Travel with dining and wine
Best Benefit of Golf: The social time
Guilty Pleasure: Just bought a PSL (Personal Seat License) to watch Texan Football!
Latest Accomplishment: Watching my daughters’ happiness in their lives!
Next Challenge: More growth in my Team
Biggest Regret: Never!
Wine on Hand: Duckhorn & Meiomi
Bucket List Travel Destination: Cruise to the Mediterranean
Who would you like spend an hour with at the 19th hole? Ron White – Comedian
If you live in Houston, join Kaylen at Cypresswood Golf Course for a 5 week series of golf lessons at an incredible price!