Meet Demetress Harrell
We hope you enjoy our weekly series to learn about our founding members who are an amazing source of encouragement and support to try new adventures in business and in life.
Day Job: CEO of Hospice in the Pines
Local Market: Lufkin, Texas (Angelina County) East Texas
Favorite Leisure Activity: Playing Golf & Shopping
Best Benefit of Golf: Detoxification from the Stressors of Work
Guilty Pleasure: Chocolate
Latest Accomplishment: Delivery of College Commencement Address
Next Challenge: Nation’s 2nd Largest Healthcare Board Appointment
Biggest Regret: life is too short for regrets…I tell my students that all the time!
Wine on Hand: Arnold Palmer (smile)
Bucket List Travel Destination: Cabo San Lucas
Favorite Book: Girlfriends of God (a book I wrote)
Who would you like spend an hour with at the 19th hole? Lydia Ko only because she is such a phenomenal young golfer with such poise and of course the ladies of Events19!